Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5 days of school left...

       It seems we are always very busy in my room. "Free time" what's that?

       Today we were busy putting together our science project board for tomorrow's science fair (and I forgot to snap a picture- I'll get one tomorrow!) My class experimented to find out which colored shirt would absorb the most heat energy. We found out the darker the shirt the more heat energy it absorbed. Since we experimented with blue, yellow, white, and black shirts one student had the idea to make the backgrounds on the board look like t-shirts. I thought that was so clever (and cute)! 

       Today was also my school's last STAR event of the year. The STAR program is our school-wide positive behavior system. Students earn stars for extra good moments and can save them for events. Today's was a Wacky Track and Field Day. There was tug of war, a sack race, hurdles, hula hoop tossing, hippity hops, target practice, and more. It was an absolute blast! There was even a bit of a breeze, which made it much more enjoyable. I didn't get any pictures there either; I was too busy cheering on my class and being impressed by their athletic skills. I think I have some future Olympic Hurdlers in my class! 

        Our last social studies project of the year was due today and we spent the afternoon presenting our glogs (have you seen glogster?) and practicing our cursive. My class loves technology! The things they were able to get their glogs to do was very impressive! We watched videos of an iguana, salsa dancing, and different Mexican foods, while students presented on a country from the Americas.

        I should really get to bed; tomorrow will be another busy day! 

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